Tag Archives: photo slideshow

Inspiration Tips & Tricks

Five Cool Ideas on What to Do with Your Travel Photos

Just returned from a vacation? This five-day trip seems now to have passed in a flash. Incredible adventures, new people and places, exquisite cuisine – all of these join together in your treasured memories of those great days. In addition, your SD card or smart phone is for sure full of the photos you took during your holiday. But give yourself an honest answer: how many times have you clicked through the photos of your previous vacation? Two or three? It is a known fact that usually travel photos end up on a hard drive never being enjoyed or showcased. However, thanks to the modern software diversity we now know what to do with travel photos. Read on and you will learn it too!

photo collage with a caption

What to do with travel photos? Read on to get the answer!

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Inspiration Templates

Photography Portfolio Ideas

You have some great shots and you want people to notice them. How do you show your photos to your potential customers or admirers in a way they will surely get hooked? Nowadays popularity among the audience and business success largely depend on the way you present your services and the quality of your photos. The most effective photography portfolio ideas deal with photo slideshows of different styles. Meet the most popular of them below!

photo portfolio idea

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Events Templates

Father’s Day Slideshow – Perfect Last Minute Gift Idea!

Father’s Day is hours away, and you’re still stuck for gift ideas? It’s real hard to find something that he doesn’t already have? Well, let’s try to think in a different direction and focus on experiences rather than store-bought presents. When it comes to family, the most valuable things are the moments spent together. Father’s Day is the time to share and create memories, and to show your appreciation for Dad and for everything he does. Here’s a simple idea that won’t cost you a fortune: collect some portaits of Dad and other photos from your family archive, and make a Father’s Day slideshow that’s all about him – a truly personal surprise gift that just can’t go wrong! How do you make one? Read on to learn…

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Tips & Tricks

Vignette Effect in Photo Slideshow

Want to enhance your photos and make them look more stylish and attractive? Nowadays photo editing software offers a huge range of photo filters and creative effects; the task is to choose the most suitable and easy-to-use ones. Among the most popular and widespread of them, you can find the so-called vignette effect. It looks gorgeous both with single photos, which you can print or publish online, and with shots that you use in a photo slideshow or a photo presentation.

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